Banana Writers
- Where Asian writers get unpeeled -
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BW Issue 04
Featured Writer: Helen Tse
Love, Dreamer
Ramblings of a Transnational Adoptee

Trudging through life with school and work, most people get too busy to dream. One day you wake up and your life has flown by - your dreams forgotten.
A Singaporean writer shares about why it's so important to remember our deepest aspirations.

Helen Tse is an award winning restaurant owner, sauce maker and bestselling author. Her memoir Sweet Mandarin has been published in 33 countries.
In an exclusive interview, we pick at Helen's sharp business brain and find out about her exciting path to success.

"I was not like them. I did not come from them."
Adoption is an issue which leaves people divided. Yet, how does it feel to have parents of a different race?
Read the brave and heart-breaking story of one woman's struggle as a transnational adoptee.
Two Short Stories
Featured Writer: Dr Alex Tan

Dr Alex Tan is probably the only academic writer with a passion for Emo music.
Read his fascinating research on the British Chinese community and find out what the Chinese youth really get up to in their spare time.
Two stories; two writers; two styles. At BW we always get excited when new Asian writers get unpeeled!
Read a short story about a cruel choice plus an anecdote about visiting the doctor.