Banana Writers
- Where Asian writers get unpeeled -
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Tse Hao Guang

There are no
lights – only pale
reflections that
point inwards.
A subtle twist of
fingers and images
accumulate like
merit in my mind.
This black box –
second skin, third
eye, fourth wall –
is a kind of loss.
There is only one rule in hyper-
linkage, to wit, you do not refer to
yourself. Keeping that in mind in
this paradise of cut-and-paste is
an endless deferral. This is a poem,
not a website. Outside it is raining.
Your words are always blue and
underlined, not the blue of an eye
nor an atmosphere. This freedom -
now any word may be a sign for any
thing – disturbs me. I weary of
traversing Edens. Contractions.
I stroll through the nearby garden
(sky’s another shade of blue now),
I book a reading room in the library,
I wonder when our paths will next
fork towards each other. My novels
talk to each other, making essays.
Who can speak in hyperlink?
I can only say a name, sometimes
Sounding like the ozone breeze post-
pour, sometimes like a knife wound,
furtive, again, like a touch typist alone
in a room, again, again and again.
“... Something imminent about the coming dawn”
you slur as we stumble out, away from industrial
thrum of strobe and speaker, exhausted, withdrawn
to open spaces. I marvel quietly at the existential
loosening of this poetic tongue through the fire
of drink in your throat, your truth. Too late we fought
a clockwork world – poor substitute for time itself – mire -
d in staccato drips of transcendental bliss we bought.
This forsaken curb is where we’ll make our home
awhile, drowning numbness in moonshine of evening,
as neon lights reflect our souls through grimy foam
of yesterday’s footprints washed out of the flooring,
clinging to this violet shroud of night with bate -
d breath. The earth revolves slowly while we wait.

Hao Guang is interested in form and formation, creativity and quotation, lyrics and line breaks. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in QLRS, Prairie Schooner, Tincture, Softblow and Third Coast, amongst other venues, and has also been featured in art exhibitions. His sonnet "Coast" was recently used as a nucleus for a workshop dedicated to discovering the performance potential of poetry.
After publishing hyperlinkage with Singapore-based Math Paper Press, he completed an MA in English and Creative Writing at the University of Chicago. He has just finished writing the lyrics for a musician friend's EP, and is currently working on a full-length collection.