Banana Writers
- Where Asian writers get unpeeled -
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Become a Banana Writer__

We want you to 'Go Bananas'
We want your writing to be fresh, exciting, thoughtful and valuable.
What type of writers are we looking for?
Banana Writers is a platform for new East Asian / South East Asian (EA / SEA) writers to share their work.
This includes people who are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Burmese, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Singaporean, Indonesian, Filipino, Malaysian, Thai and anyone with an EA/SEA background. It does not matter to us whether you were born in Asia or the West or have never published anything before. What matters to us is entertaining writing that comes from the heart.
If you do not have an EA / SEA background and are interested in contributing, we are very happy to review your work as long as it is relevant to EA /SEA.
Becoming a Banana Writer
We are passionate about supporting all mediums of writing. We publish articles, short stories, poems, songs, interviews, scripts and book reviews. Our website is used as a free platform for new, talented writers to display their work. We currently have readers from over thirty countries and literary agents, famous authors and publishers regularly read the content on our website. We are a non-profit organisation and are here as an encouragement for new writers.
We know how nerve wrecking it can be to “Put yourself out there,” so everything we receive is carefully read and considered. We will contact you if we would like to publish your work on the website (within 8 weeks for books and scripts and 4 weeks for everything else). Through our website you are given the chance to share your writing with the world.
Note: If you do not hear from us after 8 weeks, please assume that we won't be going forward with your submission.
Send your pieces to:
Apart from songs, scripts and full novels all work must be in a word document. We only edit articles, reviews and interviews.
We like feature and news articles that entertain, challenge and bring fresh perspectives to the world. (Word Count 1,000-3,000 words)
Fiction & Poems
We want to be a unique platform that encourages and builds up the confidence of new EA / SEA writers. We accept short stories, poems and provide links to free downloadable books, websites or sample chapters from new authors.
(Word count for short stories or poems is under 7,500 words. If you would like us to feature a book that you have published, email us a downloadable copy of the book. If the book is appropriate, we will feature it in on our website. Contact us for more details if you have only published your book in hard copy).
We like to support EA/ SEA singer-songwriters. If you have an original song or piece of music you would like to share, do send us an MP3 or a link to your YouTube video. If appropriate, we will feature it on the website. Since our focus is on good writing, we cannot publicise musicians that have not written their own material.
Featured Writer
We enjoy getting to know experienced EA / SEA writers. If you would like to be a featured writer drop us an email stating your work credentials and passions. Your experience and wisdom will really encourage new writers.
We conduct our own interviews but are also interested in receiving completed interviews with published writers, singer-songwriters, stand up comedians, scriptwriters and journalists. (Word Count 1,500-3000 words)
Book Reviews
We are interested on fresh perspectives on an EA/ SEA author or reviews of books by EA/ SEA. Articles can be in the form of a book review or a general article on a specific author. (Word Count 1,000-3,000 words)
We like sharing scripts that will come alive in a film or on the stage. Please send us stories that will make the audience think. Word count isn't as important as page count. The scriptwriting adage of one page = one minute is still pretty true for playwriting. We do not want scripts that last longer than 90 mins.
Send your pieces to: